Storm Front  - Jim Butcher, James Marsters

Okay, I know myself well enough that I'm pretty incapable of critical thought when it comes to <b>The Dresden Files</b> -- which is not to say I think the books (especially this one) are perfect, but I can overlook all the flaws -- and those I can't I can shrug off. It's been years -- almost a decade -- since I re-read this, and I'd forgotten some details, but the core is pure Dresden. And the best of all is that I know they get better from here.


So I'm not going to talk about the book, really. For the 2 of you who don't know, Harry Dresden is a Marlowe/Spenser-type of P.I. (but not really) who happens to be a wizard. He consults with the police on the supernatural front and does a little business helping private citizens. That's all the setup you need.


What I want to talk about here is the audiobook portion of it -- I've heard for years that the James Marsters narrated audiobooks in this series are fantastic. I was prepared to be thoroughly entertained. But not as much as I was. Marsters was just incredible, almost unbelievably good. This was, as the best audiobooks are, a performance, not just a reading. And this was one of the best performances I've witnessed from Marsters. Had I the means, I'd have bought the rest of the series Friday night after I finished this one.


Butcher fans, if you've only read the book, you need to listen to them, too. Marsters brought our man to life.
